My IP Address

Your IP
City Columbus
Region Ohio (OH)
Country United States of America
Country Code US
Latitude 39.9625
Longitude -83.0061

About My IP Address

You'd agree that IP addresses aren't something you hear about every day. In fact, they are about as out of the ordinary as the least discussed computer-related terms.

As a result, your IP address is probably something you rarely look at. However, it is always extremely important to your online way of life.

What makes it significant, you might ask?

For starters, without an IP address, you wouldn't be able to check your emails, see social media updates from your friends, or watch videos online.

What's the reason?

When you browse the internet, you are essentially'making requests' for the pages whose URL you click on or enter.

Websites such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, and would be unable to send you information if your IP address was not provided. That is why it is referred to as a "address," because it is WHERE these sites send requested information to your computer.

Not only are IP addresses important, but so is knowing what your IP address is. There are several reasons for this, which we will discuss later.

The significance of knowing your IP address explains why we developed What is My IP Address Location.


The letters "IP" stand for "Internet Protocol," and the term "protocol" refers to the connectivity rules and guidelines that govern computer networks.

The "address" portion of an IP address refers to a unique set of numbers that is associated with all of your internet activities.

To summarize, an Internet Protocol address is a string of unique numeric identifiers separated by periods that is carried by every device in a network. This includes every computer, router, modem, printer, switch, and other device connected to a TCP/IP network.

This address is the foundation upon which the networking architecture is built, and no network would exist without it.

An IP address is not something you purchase; once you're online, your Internet Service Provider assigns you an active IP address (ISP). To access the internet, you must have an active IP address.

Also, IP addresses are assigned to computers rather than people. I hope you have a good time using our My IP Address tool.

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